Rules for AG-world

Last Updated : October 14, 2024
At AGworld, we strive to ensure that everyone can play safely and securely. Therefore, we have established various rules for AGworld.

▪️Prohibited Conduct in Chat

Chat is just like everyday conversation. Use clean language to create a space that can be enjoyed by everyone. Avoid discriminatory, threatening, or abusive language, or language that could lead to serious consequences for other players. > > Use clean language.

As an example, do not do the following

The following actions are prohibited in relation to chat
General comments about illegal drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol.
・Threats, bullying, or harassment of other players

Specific examples of intimidation, bullying, or harassment of other players

Threats, bullying, or harassment of other players:
Threats such as, "The next time I see you, I'm going to hit you."
Bullying remarks such as, "You're always up to no good, aren't you?
Defamatory remarks and abusive language:
Slanders such as "XXX is useless."
"I wish you would go away" and other abusive language.
Troll chat:
Posting a meaningless series of messages
A barrage of emojis or symbols

・discriminatory remark
・Hate speech [e.g., "00 people get out of here", "00 people don't come here"].
・slanderous and defamatory statements
・Rant and troll chat
・Jokes that go too far [e.g. : I'm going to set off a bomb at ________ hours].
・Content that makes other players feel uncomfortable [e.g. : 00 is creepy, he's an eyesore, go away].
・Content that is insulting to homosexuals
・Introduction or statement of sexual or adult content, etc.
・Statements as if soliciting for dating apps.
・Statements that force players to give out their social networking accounts or contact information
・Statements that divulge one's own personal information*1, the personal information of others, or the confidential information of organizations, companies, etc.
・Statements that put players at risk
・Unauthorized promotion of other servers or sites [e.g. : AGworld's SNS is @00!]
・Sending multiple messages on the chat
・Overloading the chat server

・Statements that force players to give out their social networking accounts or contact information
・Description of the method of suicide or self-harm
・Excessive talking about real world problems [negative issues], etc.
・Intentionally and without justification announcing material information about AGworld.
{ [e.g. : AGworld is already finished / AGworld is going to have maintenance].
Examples of acceptable content>[I heard AGworld is ending, is it true?I hear there's an event coming to /AGworld] }
・Chatting for monetary purposes [e.g., "How to get money: enter the invitation code for 00."].etc.
・child-teaming behavior

Prohibited acts in connection with buildings

It's great to use your creativity to create new architecture one after another. However, it is malicious to create buildings that add excessive burden to the game or to harass players. Please follow the rules and create your own unique buildings.

As an example, do not do the following

・Buildings with general contents related to illegal drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol

Specific examples of building related to illegal drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol related content in general

Building in the shape of a marijuana leaf
Architecture in the form of liquor bottles and cigarettes

・Buildings that other players finaad offensive.

Specific examples of buildings that other players find offensive

Architecture that mimics racist symbols
Trap construction for harassment purposes

・Buildings that depict persons, religions, groups, organizations, or other related parties as buildings.
・Buildings that are defamatory of persons, religions, groups, organizations, or other related parties.
・Buildings related to TNT launchers, etc.
・Creation of buildings related to politics.
・Creation of prisons without permission.
・Creation of a jail without a permit.
・Architecture that violates the ordinances of each range.
・Architecture that pretends to be AG partner or AGworld official.
・Architecture that appears to advise crime.


The following actions are prohibited in relation to game play

・Glitching (exploiting game glitches) in PVP or AGworld

Specific examples of glitching behavior

Slip through walls and attack other players
Intentionally take advantage of bugs that make you invincible.

Intentionally taking advantage of a glitch or bug in the game to attack an opponent or intentionally trying to slip out of range

・Intentionally interfering with other players
・Stalking a specific player
・Abandonment outside the area where abandonment is allowed
・Use of add-ons/bots programmed to perform destructive tasks
・Violations related to human and civil rights
・Acts that harm real people
・Acts of intimidation, bullying, or harassment
・The act of a group of people continually blaming a particular player.
・Blaming a specific player individually
・Threatening to disclose personal information, etc.
・Behavior that introduces illegal and regulated products.
・Interfering with the game
・Acts and behavior related to terrorists
*Includes rules written within the Xbox Community Code of Conduct.

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